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Face Swap Online Free

Powerful online tool to seamlessly swap one face with another

Face Swap My History
step 1

Add Face Image

Take face from this image

step 2

Add Target Image

Swap face in this image

It's best to include one face in target image. Want to select one face from multiple faces? Try multiple face swapping ↗

By uploading the images, you agree with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

Examples to Inspire

Choose from the sample or add yours in batch

sample photo after using face swap AI from faceswapper
sample photo after using face swap AI from faceswapper
sample photo after using face swap AI from faceswapper
sample photo after using face swap AI from faceswapper
sample photo after using face swap AI from faceswapper
sample photo after using face swap AI from faceswapper
sample photo after using face swap AI from faceswapper
sample photo after using face swap AI from faceswapper